Week 77: The Final Email

Well, I never thought in a million years that I would ever type these words:

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my final week as a full-time, set-apart missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
These last few weeks have been incredible. It seemed like Heavenly Father was saving all of the coolest miracles on my mission for my very last transfer.
My favorite miracle, our dear friends Abigail and Nirvana got baptized! Nirvana has been waiting for 8 months to become a member and during those months, she was sharing the gospel with her older sister, Abigail. Over the course of us teaching them, they both have become so converted! I have been so blessed to see true repentance in action!

These sisters absolutely glow!! Their testimonies are so strong and I want to be just like them! They have become some of my most treasured friends from the mission! And the best part? THEY BOTH WANT TO SERVE FULL TIME MISSIONS, TOO!!!!!
Repentance is real and the gospel is true! I am so excited to go to work this last week I have left in the mission!
I am so thankful Heavenly Father asked me to come on a mission, and more importantly, I am so thankful that I obeyed! My full time mission has been the greatest gift my Heavenly Father could have ever given it to me.
I know this gospel changes lives. I saw it change Abigail and Nirvana. I also know the Savior lives and His atonement is real.
I’ll see you all soo soon!!!!

Hermana Oliphant

New Mexico Albuquerque Mission
4400 Presidential Dr. NE Ste. E
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Week 69: When Members are Superhero Missionaries!

This week was incredible. Three of our four new investigators we recieved this week were through member referrals! And all of them are solid!!! It’s the coolest thing I have ever seen!

Miracle story 1: We invited a member to come out with us to a lesson and he arrived a half an hour early. He noticed a lady at a nearby bus stop with a disabled child and he felt like he needed to pick her up and give her a ride to wherever she was going. So he did. He gave this lady a ride all the way back to a school just by his house, talked to her about the Gospel, asked if we could come over and got all her information! And she agreed!! Later that night, our 8 pm lesson fell through and we felt so prompted to go contact this lady. We did, and we were lucky enough to find her at home. At first, she was a little standoffish, but once we got talking to her about what we did and that as members of our church, we go out of our way to represent Jesus Christ, and that’s exactly what our member was doing. He helped her in the way Christ would have helped her! We taught her a little about our message and gave her a pamphlet to read and then said a prayer with her. At the end of the prayer, she asked us if she could introduce us to her disabled son that was with her. It was a really special moment and she allowed us to set a return appointment.

Miracle Story 2: We had started to teach one of our less actives all of the lessons again and went back this week for our second discussion. We had planned to teach more about the Book of Mormon this time, but a few minutes into the lesson, there was a really loud knock on the door, and the less active member excused herself, saying that SHE HAD INVITED A FRIEND OVER TO THE LESSON. We had never thought in a million years that this particular less active would invite someone to listen to us and she invited a friend over! His name is Sergio and he is living in a hotel because he is going through a divorce. He had a lot of good questions and we felt we needed to launch into Lesson 1. As we taught, the Spirit was so strong and his questions got fewer and fewer until at the end he told us that he felt the things we were teaching were true! He accepted the invitation to read the Book of Mormon and to pray. He also prayed at the end and poured his whole heart and soul out in the prayer. It was so incredible (that’s how we found out about the divorce). We set up another appointment for next week with him and our member and we are so excited to see how he progresses!!

Miracle Story 3: The Elders in our area gave us a call saying there was a member in another ward that had a referral for us. The Elders had already set up an appointment for us to meet this person and everything! So on Sunday night, we arrive at the address of the Bishop in the Redd ward. Come to find out, his son, Andrew, recently got home from a mission in Barcelona,
Spain, had seen a lady pulling weeds out front of a house and stopped to help her pull the weeds. He got talking to her about the Gospel and felt like he needed to invite her to meet the missionaries….so he did! He had picked her up and driven her to his house so that we could meet with her. Her name is Marta and she is from Juarez and she is trying to get residency here in the US so that she can work and bring her family over. The lesson we had with her and Andrew was incredible and the Spirit was so strong. Every time Andrew shared his testimony, she busted up into tears. We can tell she is so prepared. We are currently working with Andrew and his family to keep teaching her because she doesn’t have a place to meet us. He is going up to school this week and won’t be around to help with the teaching, but he is all for skyping or face timing in for lessons at his parent’s house. He is so excited, Marta said she is coming to church this Sunday, and we are so excited. She really is so prepared to hear this message.

I have really been blessed to see the effects of member missionary this week. The members really are so much better missionaries than we are and they have the ability to help us find people who are so ready and prepared to hear the message of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are able to touch the hearts of other people in ways we can’t.

Hermana Oliphant

New Mexico Albuquerque Mission
4400 Presidential Dr. NE Ste. E
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Week 68: A week of Missionary Work

Hi everyone! We had a pretty good week this week! I don’t have a lot of time, but I’ll just give an overview of what happened this week!

Probably my favorite miracle that happened this week was when we found our scientists investigators again! They went on vacation to get married and they just got back and invited us over for a lesson! They came back from their vacation and are packing up their apartment to move into a new house! They are going to be a lot closer to our apartment now, so that’s a huge blessing. They called us last week to have us over and we had a powerful lesson on the Book of Mormon. We brought some members and they volunteered to help them move 🙂 we are going on Wednesday to help Olienka, the wife, pack and then we are going to call in the Rio Grande army to help them move on Saturday! We are so excited. Olienka and Hugo are so willing to listen and never cease to impress me because they are so receptive to this message. I love it when super intelligent people are able to believe in God. They are so prepared and an incredible couple!

One of our other investigators, Richard is progressing really well. Every time we hand him a pamphlet, he reads the whole thing and answers all the additional study questions using the scriptures and then teaches us the lesson. The only thing we are missing with him is getting him to church. We’ve been trying to make a superhuman effort to get members there for fellowship and encourage him to come to church. Every time we bring someone over, he gets super excited. This past week, the member we brought offered to give him a ride, but when it came to Sunday morning and the member called him, Richard said he couldn’t go. We thought we had explained the sacrament well and why we go to church and this member offered the ride and everything, but for some reason, he couldn’t go. We are still trying to figure out what his concern is there because he knows we are representatives of Christ and he knows what the Spirit feels like and he says perfect prayers and he really studies the scriptures and wants to be baptized. We just need to figure out what is keeping him from church.

Hermana Oliphant

New Mexico Albuquerque Mission
4400 Presidential Dr. NE Ste. E
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Week 65: the Rio Grande Mesa Life and a Baptism, Part 2

The best pizza offer I’ve ever seen.

​Hermana Cifuentes and Hermana Oliphant, serving in El Paso, Texas!!

When ever book title talks about your mission….

​The Mount Franklin Zone!

Evan and Bella’s baptism!!!! ❤

​Evan and Bella’s whole family! They were so excited! Next step, to the temple!!!
I love being a missionary. It has been the happiest experience​ of my whole life. I can’t even believe that I didn’t want to serve a mission before! It is an incredible blessing each time I get to see another child of God enter the waters of baptism. Every baptism I’ve been to, the investigator comes out absolutely glowing. Evan and Bella were afire after their baptism. I love helping people come closer to God. It is such a blessing to be a missionary. ❤

Hermana Oliphant

New Mexico Albuquerque Mission
4400 Presidential Dr. NE Ste. E
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Week 65: the Rio Grande Mesa Life and a Baptism, Part 1

Here is a picture of me and me companion, Hermana Cifuentes, out prostelyting.

Just kidding! This is us prostelyting on a flood day in El Paso. Notice the luxurious porch-front pools!​

The tarantula that was trying to get into our house 😵

The El Paso expectation.

​El Paso reality. The first house had fake turf. I touched it to make sure.

​My first MLC road trip! Yaaay!

All the Zone Leaders and STLs in the Albuquerque New Mexico Mission!

Hermana Oliphant

New Mexico Albuquerque Mission
4400 Presidential Dr. NE Ste. E
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Week 63: Race Car Investigators and Flooooooods! Oh, yeah and a Rescued Cat(2)

I don’t think I’ve ever been so wet in my life.

We are in rainy season in El Paso and as it turns out, the city floods a lot. I am convinced we need mission-assigned speed-boats for the summer’s here. All the main roads turn into drainage for the rain water and so we have done a lot of driving across rivers this week. What never ceases to amaze me is how fast it all dries up, though. The only evidence that there was a river there was the amount of debris left in the middle of the roads. Everyone here has rock lawns and in the rain it gets washed into the roads. It’s kinda cool. We’ve started keeping our coats and boots in the car because it just sets in unexpectedly. We got stuck in our car in front of a dinner appointment because the sky opened up and dumped like a waterfall for almost 30 minutes. We called our dinner to tell them we were there, and to ask if it was okay if we waited for the rain to abate, but it never did and so we ended up making a break for it. We were so sopping by the time we reached the apartment door. The person we were eating with had made soup, so that was a super pleasant surprise!!!
A fun miracle from this week: Based on a race car in someone’s driveway, we got 2 news this week 😀 I was on exchanges in the Redd ward with Sister Kaufana (she’s from Tonga) and I noticed there was a pulled apart race car in someone’s driveway across the street from a less active’s house, so we decided to go ask about it. As it turns out, they build race car engines and race them in Chihuahua, Mexico! We managed to get the conversation steered toward the gospel and we ended up with two new investigators because of it!!! Yaaay! Thanks almost 2 years working at Larry Miller! 
And now, a funny story: Last week, we were on our way to an appointment, we rescued a kitten from a very dangerous decorative ledge on the side of an apartment complex.
Imagine, if you will, a couple of Sister Missionaries and a gaggle of very concerned Hispanic kids trying to rescue a panicked kitten from a two story ledge. It involved the kids climbing on pipes trying to reach it. It involved Hna Cifuentes climbing into a window to try and reach it. It involved Hermana Oliphant getting on Hna Cifuente’s shoulders in a skirt trying to reach it. Ultimately, I ended up in the window, standing on my tip toes, holding my prostelyting bag above my head for the kitten to stand on and Hna Cifuentes holding me around the middle so that I didn’t fall into the bush behind us.
We got him down, though.
And I have claw marks on my arms.
But it was worth it because we were heroes and the kids told literally all the kids who lived in that complex that we saved the cat.

Kitten Rescue

Funny story from this week: Last night, we were on our way to an appointment, we rescued a kitten from a very dangerous decorative ledge on the side of an apartment complex. 
Imagine, if you will, a couple of Sister Missionaries and a gaggle of very concerned Hispanic kids trying to rescue a panicked kitten from a two story ledge. It involved the kids climbing on pipes trying to reach it. It involved Hna Cifuentes climbing into a window to try and reach it. It involved Hermana Oliphant getting on Hna Cifuente’s shoulders in a skirt trying to reach it. Ultimately, I ended up in the window, standing on my tip toes, holding my prostelyting bag above my head for the kitten to stand on and Hna Cifuentes holding me around the middle so that I didn’t fall into the bush behind us.
We got him down, though.
And I have claw marks on my arms.
But it was worth it because we were heroes and the kids told literally all the kids who lived in that complex that we saved the cat.


I don’t think I’ve ever felt more like a Disney Princess in my life.

Hermana Oliphant

New Mexico Albuquerque Mission
4400 Presidential Dr. NE Ste. E
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Week 61: With New Responsibilities come Great Miracles!

And so pass my first crazy two weeks as a Sister Training Leader in the Rio Grande Ward! Never have I ever been so tired and happy all at the same time.

One of the blessings I have as a Sister Training Leader (STL) is I get to go on exchanges with the fantastic and amazing sister missionaries in my zone! I’m telling you, every time we go on exchanges we see miracles, both in their areas and in ours! It is incredible!
I went to the Redd ward with Sister Dean (she’s on her 2nd transfer in the mission) and we had some cool miracles!! We had a day full of appointments. We taught lessons every hour and by the end of the day, we realized we had hit leadership standards for the key indicators IN ONE DAY. We had found a total of 7 news and gotten 4 total people on date, one of those dates moved up by a week or two 🙂 It was so cool to see the Lord work miracles! One of the investigators they have on date has been talking to her family and so she invited her mom, dad, brother, and sister to listen in to our discussion. They loved what we taught and have been soo supportive of the investigator daughter and they really want to learn more. The Spirit was so strong in the lesson, the mom was in tears at the end and the dad gave an awesome prayer. I encouraged Sister Dean to work with her companion in getting them on baptism date with the daughter who is investigating. 
Our final lesson of that night, we had a lesson with an investigator who asked her husband to sit in for the first time. We taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Spirit was THERE. It was so strong, that at the end of the lesson, we asked the husband what he was thinking and feeling because he seemed a little far away during the teaching and he said that some of the things that were said made him really think about things in his life and he was having flashbacks. We felt prompted to extend a baptism date for August 5 and they both accepted!!!!! By the end of the day, Sister Dean was so pumped up and excited about missionary work and it was the coolest thing to see the fire light up in her eyes.
Then, we had another exchange and this time I got to go serve with Sister Hepworth in the YSA ward. This is her first transfer 🙂 It was an incredible experience because every ward and every missionary is so different. I feel like with Sister Dean I was teaching her and training her a lot. This past exchange with Sister Hepworth, I was the best cheerleader in the world! She was really distant with everyone at first, really hands off, but after exchanges, Hermana Cifuentes and I have seen a huge change in her. She is more open, more friendly, and I can tell she’s seeing more of the joy in missionary work. She is a fantastic missionary and I really think she just needed the chance to prove to herself that she really can do it and understand that we are all there to help her. It was super great. I was so tired from waving my pom poms all day, but no matter what Satan threw at her, she handled it and didn’t loose her cool. I am so proud of her. 
Another miracle: we had 4 investigators at church and 4 less actives come to church this Sunday!!! It was a MIRACLE and made my day! We stood outside waiting for at least 10 minutes waiting for them and they came!!! I was so excited. We prayed so hard. It was an awesome experience!
We found a miracle investigator this week as well 🙂 She was one of the ones that came to church! Her name is Corina and Hna Cifuentes found her on exchanges with the YSA sisters. She is so prepared and super smart. She was able to put together all the dots of the Restoration lesson! We brought a member with us, Hna Diaz, and she really pays attention when this hermana bears her testimony. Hna Diaz is also the reason she came to church! She invited her and then offered to help take care of her kids during sacrament meeting, so she came!!!!!!!! It was awesome. She accepted a baptism date of August 12 and we are so excited. We will be meeting with her again this week and are planning on teaching her a bit more about the Book of Mormon. She is so ready and it is such a blessing to teach her.
We also are working with a less active family who has a couple of unbaptized kids, one is 8 and the other is 11. We have been meeting with them at their dad’s house, because all efforts to meet with them at their mom’s house have been thwarted by their mom not really wanting us around and not wanting to come back to church AT ALL FOR ANYTHING. The dad is so willing to let us teach and he wants to come back to church, too, so we are super excited about that.
We have been seeing a cool miracle progress over the past couple of weeks, too. We have a 16 year old investigator named Nirvana whose mom didn’t like Hna Cifuentes and Thompson before I got here. But since I’ve been here, we’ve really seen her soften. She came to church with her kids the first week I was there and I went out of my way to talk to her and be her friend. It seems to have worked, because gradually, we are seeing the Lord soften her heart. She came to church AGAIN this week, got an interview with the Bishop, signed up to feed us on the dinner calendar AND she agreed to come to an FHE that a member invited her to. I am so excited. I hope things keep going super well. She’s a really nice lady and I know she’s going to love knowing more about the gospel. She just has to open her heart to it. 
Sorry this email was so long this week! My heart is so full and I feel so blessed to be a missionary of the Lord in this place at this time. I love the missionaries I’m serving with and I love the people we are teaching. One of my favorite things about the mission is just how large my family is getting. It really is the best. This gospel changes people. This gospel truly helps people become their best selves, no matter their background. It doesn’t matter if a person has had no religious background and come from the worst past in the world, or if the person has come from a lifetime of membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, this gospel changes lives. It changes people. It changes hearts. And it has changed me.
I love being a missionary.

Hermana Oliphant

New Mexico Albuquerque Mission
4400 Presidential Dr. NE Ste. E
Albuquerque, NM 87109