Week 68: A week of Missionary Work

Hi everyone! We had a pretty good week this week! I don’t have a lot of time, but I’ll just give an overview of what happened this week!

Probably my favorite miracle that happened this week was when we found our scientists investigators again! They went on vacation to get married and they just got back and invited us over for a lesson! They came back from their vacation and are packing up their apartment to move into a new house! They are going to be a lot closer to our apartment now, so that’s a huge blessing. They called us last week to have us over and we had a powerful lesson on the Book of Mormon. We brought some members and they volunteered to help them move 🙂 we are going on Wednesday to help Olienka, the wife, pack and then we are going to call in the Rio Grande army to help them move on Saturday! We are so excited. Olienka and Hugo are so willing to listen and never cease to impress me because they are so receptive to this message. I love it when super intelligent people are able to believe in God. They are so prepared and an incredible couple!

One of our other investigators, Richard is progressing really well. Every time we hand him a pamphlet, he reads the whole thing and answers all the additional study questions using the scriptures and then teaches us the lesson. The only thing we are missing with him is getting him to church. We’ve been trying to make a superhuman effort to get members there for fellowship and encourage him to come to church. Every time we bring someone over, he gets super excited. This past week, the member we brought offered to give him a ride, but when it came to Sunday morning and the member called him, Richard said he couldn’t go. We thought we had explained the sacrament well and why we go to church and this member offered the ride and everything, but for some reason, he couldn’t go. We are still trying to figure out what his concern is there because he knows we are representatives of Christ and he knows what the Spirit feels like and he says perfect prayers and he really studies the scriptures and wants to be baptized. We just need to figure out what is keeping him from church.

Hermana Oliphant

New Mexico Albuquerque Mission
4400 Presidential Dr. NE Ste. E
Albuquerque, NM 87109

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